September 9, 2019 – Minutes



September 9, 2019


The Board of Directors of the Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District (CCGCD) convened the Regular Meeting in the District Board Room located at 9 Toepperwein Road, Boerne, Texas.

Directors Present:


Bob Webster – District 1 (Vice President)

Allen P. Bloxsom III – At Large (Secretary)

Curt Campbell – District 4 (Treasurer)

Ben Eldridge – District 3 (Asst. Secretary/Treasurer)

Directors Absent:

Milan J. Michalec – District 2 (President)

  1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance Heath Hoffman led the Pledge of Allegiance.
  3. Establishment of a Quorum A quorum was established with four Directors in attendance.  Director Michalec was not present.                                                                                                                                                         
  4. Public comment No public comment was offered.
  5. Consent Agenda: Director Campbell motioned to approve the consent agenda, which was seconded by Director Eldredge and passed 4-0-0.
    1. Approval of minutes from the August 12th, 2019 Workshop
    2. Approval of minutes from the August 12th, 2019 Regular Meeting
    3. Payroll, employee benefits, operational expenses and payment of such
    4. Monthly financial report(s)
    5. Monthly operations report
  6. Public Hearing on the proposed 2019-2020 Budget A public hearing on the 2019-2020 proposed budget was held from 6:02 until 6:03 P.M.  No public comment was offered.
  7. Public Hearing on the proposed 2019 Tax Rate. The proposed tax rate is $0.005 (1/2¢) per $100 of valuation. A public hearing on the 2019 tax rate was held from 6:03 until 6:04 P.M. No public comment was offered.
  8. Adoption of the 2019 -2020 Budget Director Bloxsom made a motion to approve the 2019-2020 budget. The motion was seconded by Director Campbell and passed 4-0-0.  
  9. Adoption of the 2019 Tax Rate Director Bloxsom made a motion to approve the 2019 tax rate. The motion was seconded by Director Eldredge and passed 4-0-0.
  10. Application for a new well Operating Permit for well IW7052. The Applicant, Lazy B Ranch is requesting 17 acre feet annually for irrigation of coastal hay at 124 Delaware Creek Road.  After introduction by Micah Voulgaris, District General Manager, Director Campbell motioned to approve the permit application for 17 acre feet annually. The motion was seconded by Director Eldredge and passed 4-0-0.
  11. Presentation by Well Intel on a monitor well network. Charles Dunning of Well Intel made a presentation on a remote/cloud based monitoring network.
  12. District activities & subcommittee updates: Micah presented staff’s monthly report.
    1. Monthly report
    2. Meteorological update
    3. Current drought stage No change was made to the Drought Stage.
    4. Management Plan
    5. Subcommittee updates
  13. Correspondence Correspondence was reviewed from the Kendall County transportation committee.
  14. Future meeting dates and meeting topics The Regular October Board meeting will be on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. A workshop on the management plan will be held that afternoon at 3:00.
  15. Adjournment  Director Webster made a motion to adjourn at 6:55 P.M. which was seconded by Director Eldredge and passed 4-0-0.


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