Stage 4 Drought RestrictionsUnderstanding The Trinity Aquifer in Kendall County, Texas

Stage 4 Drought Restrictions

At the July 18, 2023 Regular Meeting, the Directors voted unanimously to move from Stage 3 into Stage 4 of the District’s Drought Restrictions.

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Request for Qualifications for Hydrogeological Services

Responses to this Request for Qualifications are due to CCGCD by 5:00 P.M. on February 28th, 2025.

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The Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District (CCGCD or District) was created for the purpose of conserving, preserving, recharging, protecting and preventing waste of groundwater from the aquifers within Kendall County. The District will conduct administrative and technical activities and programs to achieve these purposes. The District will collect and archive water well and aquifer data, regulate water well drilling and production from permitted, non-exempt wells, promote the capping or plugging of abandoned wells, provide information and educational material to local property owners, interact with other governmental or organizational entities, and incorporate other groundwater-related activities that may help meet the purposes of the District.

The Texas Hill Country Area, which includes Kendall County, was declared a Critical Groundwater Area by the then Texas Water Commission in 1990. This declaration, now known as the Hill Country Priority Groundwater Management Area (PGMA), gave notice to the residents of the area that water availability and quality will be at risk within the next 50 years.

The CCGCD was created in order that appropriate groundwater management techniques and strategies could be implemented at the local level to address groundwater issues or problems within the District. The District has incorporated both the Texas Water Development Board’s Trinity Aquifer Groundwater Availability Model (TWDB Report 353) and the best and most current site-specific data available to the District in the development of the District’s Management Plan. The plan serves as a guideline the District can follow to ensure greater understanding of local aquifer conditions, development of groundwater management concepts and strategies, and subsequent implementation of appropriate groundwater management policies.