October 13, 2020 – Minutes


October 13, 2020


The Board of Directors of the Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District (CCGCD) convened the Regular Meeting in the District Board Room located at 9 Toepperwein Road, Boerne, Texas.


Directors Present:

Milan J. Michalec – District 2 (President)

Bob Webster – District 1 (Vice President)

Curt Campbell – District 4 (Treasurer)

Ben Eldredge – District 3 (Asst. Secretary/Treasurer)

Directors Absent:

Allan P. Bloxsom III – At Large (Secretary)


  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:02 P.M.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Micah Voulgaris.
  3. Establishment of a Quorum: A quorum was established with four directors present.
  4. Public comment: No public comment
  5. Consent Agenda: Motion was made by Director Campbell to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Director Webster, passed 4-0-1
    1. Approval of minutes from the September 14th, 2020 Regular Meeting
    2. Payroll, employee benefits, operational expenses, and payment of such
    3. Monthly financial report(s)
    4. Monthly operations report
  6. District activities & subcommittee updates:
    1. Monthly report: Micah presented Staff’s monthly report
    2. Meteorological/ET study update, Dave Knollhoff: Mr. Knollhoff presented his report.
    3. Current drought stage: Remaining at Stage 2
    4. Subcommittee Updates: Review and updates of county rules on subdivisions
    5. GMA 9: Waiting on analytical models on draw down on Ellenberger DFC. Possible GMA Zoom Meeting next month.
  7. 2020 Tax Rate Order for Kendall Appraisal District: Motion was made by Director Campbell to approve 2020 Tax Rate Order, seconded by Director Eldredge, passed 4-0-1.
  8. Correspondence: Letter of Resignation from Director Campbell. He has moved from current precinct, is half through his term and is willing to stay on through his term in a hold-over position.  Letter from TRAM, invitation to be involved in a committee to discuss options on regulating aggregate mining.
  9. Future meeting dates and meeting topics: Year End Report will be presented at the Board Meeting on November 9th at 6:00 P.M.
  10. Adjournment: Motion was made by Director Michalec at 6:44 P.M. seconded by Director Campbell.



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