November 14, 2022 – Minutes


November 14, 2022

The Board of Directors of the Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District (CCGCD) convened the Regular Meeting in the District Board Room located at 9 Toepperwein Road, Boerne, Texas.


Directors Present:

Milan J. Michalec – District 2 (President)

Bob Webster – District 1 (Vice President)

Curt Campbell – District 4 (Treasurer)

Allan P. Bloxsom III – At Large (Secretary)

Ben Eldredge – District 3 (Asst. Secretary/Treasurer)

Directors Absent:

  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Director Michalec.
  3. Establishment of a Quorum: A quorum was established with 5 out of 5 directors present.
  4. Public comment: No comment.
  5. Consent Agenda: Motion by Director Campbell, seconded by Director Webster.  Approved 5-0.
    1. Approval of minutes from the October 12th, 2022 Workshop
    2. Approval of minutes from the October 12th, 2022 Regular Meeting
    3. Payroll, employee benefits, operational expenses, and payment of such
    4. Monthly financial report(s)
    5. Monthly operations report
  6. District activities & subcommittee updates:
    1. Monthly report: General Manager Micah Voulgaris presented the staff’s monthly report.
    2. Current drought stage: Remaining in Stage 3.
    3. Subcommittee updates:
    4. GMA 9: Next meeting on December 9th at 10 AM.
    5. Region L: Director Campbell gave an update on the Region L Meeting.
    6. District Monitor Well Expansion Project: Inter-Local subcommittee will meet with Attorney Monique Norman and County Attorney to finalize the project.
    7. Camp Bullis Sentinel Landscape Project: Nothing new to report.
  7. Presentation by Allan Clark with the USGS relating to a proposed potentiometric map project in the Trinity Aquifer.: Allan Clark was unable to make it to this meeting.
  8. Discussion and possible action on a contract for the CCGCD database project with Halff and associate.: Motion by Director Campbell to enter into the contract, seconded by Director Bloxsom. Approved 5-0.
  9. Discussion and action on possible budget amendments for the 2022-2023 Budget.: Due to changes in tax revenue, there will be a reserve.
  10. Adoption of a designated representative alternate for the GMA9 Joint Planning Committee. Motion by Director Eldredge, seconded by Director Webster to elect Director Campbell as the designated representative alternate for the GMA9 Joint Planning Committee. Approved 5-0.
  11. Discussion and action on the CCGCD becoming a member of the WateReuse trade association.: Direct potable reuse water, $400 yearly membership with access to their resource library and information. Motion to become 1-year members by Director Eldredge, seconded by Director Webster. Approved 5-0.
  12. Discussion and action on possible legislation related to the District’s enabling act in the upcoming 88th Session of the Texas Legislature.: Discussion about section 12: Prohibited acts, section 2.  Motion to approve attempt to amend the legislation by Director Campbell, seconded by Director Eldredge. Approved 5-0.
  13. Set a date for an upcoming workshop on rulemaking.: Workshop scheduled for Monday, January 9th at 3:00 PM.
  14. Authorize the purchase of a downhole well camera and a camper shell for the District truck.: Motion to authorize staff purchase up to $16,000 under line item 6205 made by Director Campbell, seconded by Director Eldredge. Approved 5-0.
  15. Correspondence: N/A.
  16. Future meeting dates and meeting topics: GMA9 meeting on December 9th at 10 AM. Workshop scheduled for December 12th at 4:00 PM. Next Board meeting is scheduled for December 12th at 6:00 PM. Workshop on rulemaking is scheduled for January 9th at 3:00 PM.
  17. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:06 PM.



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