April 18, 2016 – GMA9 – Agenda

Groundwater  Management Area  9 Joint Planning  Committee Meeting


As required by Section 36.108(e), Texas Water Code, a meeting of the Groundwater Management Area 9 Joint Planning Committee, comprised of district representatives from the following groundwater conservation districts located wholly or partially within Groundwater Management Area 9: Bandera County River Authority and Groundwater Dist rict, Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District, Blanco-Pedemales Groundwater Conservation District, Comal Trinity Groundwater Conservation District , Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District, Edwards Aquifer Authority, Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District, Hays-Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, Trinity-Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District, and Medina County Groundwater Conservation District, will be held on Monday, April 18, 2016, at 10:00 am at the Dripping Springs City Hall, 511 Mercer Street, Dripping Springs, Texas.

  1. 1. Call to Order.
  2. Receipt of Posted Meeting Notices.
  3. Introductions.
  4. Approval of October 13, 2015 and April 4, 2016 GMA 9 Meeting Minutes.
  5. Texas Water Development Board updates, comments, or communications.
  6. Review Draft “Groundwater Management Area 9 Explanatory Report for Desired Future Conditions for Major and Minor Aquifers.”
  7. Consider approval of the GMA 9 draft document “Summarization of Public Comments Received and GMA 9 Responses” which will be attached to the Explanatory Report as “Appendix B”.
  8. Consider approval of GMA 9 Resolution # 041816-1 “Adopting the Groundwater Management Area 9 Joint Planning Committee’s (GMA 9) Classifications of Non-Relevant Aquifers for Joint Planning Purposes and Desired Future Conditions for Relevant Aquifers in GMA 9″, and authorizing the GMA 9 Chairman to formally submit them and all other required information to the TWDB.”
  9. Consider approval of “Groundwater Management Area 9 Explanatory Report for Desired Future Conditions for Major and Minor Aquifers.”
  10. Public Comment.
  11. Next meeting date, location, and future agenda items.
  12. Announcements.
  13. Adjournment.


Further information , questions , or comments concerning any aspect of this meeting should be directed to:

Mr. Ron Fiesele r, GMA 9 Planning Committee Chairman c/o Blanco-Pedemales Groundwater Conservation District 601 West Main, P.O. Box 1516, Johnson City, TX 78636

(830) 868-9196 office,            (830) 708-5020 cell,    email to:   manager@blancogw.org

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