Groundwater Management Area 9 Joint Planning Committee Meeting
As required by Section 36.108(e), Texas Water Code, a meeting of the Groundwater Management Area 9 Joint Planning Committee, comprised of district representatives from the following groundwater conservation districts located wholly or partially within Groundwater Management Area 9: Bandera County River Authority and Groundwater District, Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District, Blanco-Pedernales Groundwater Conservation District, Comal Trinity Groundwater Conservation District , Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District, Edwards Aquifer Authority, Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District, Hays-Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, Trinity-Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District, and Medina County Groundwater Conservation District, will be held on Monday, March 27, 2017, at 10:00 am Dripping Springs City Hall, 511 Mercer Street, Dripping Springs, Texas.
Discussion and/or possible action may occur on the following business matters:
- Call to Order.
- Receipt of Posted Meeting Notices.
- Introductions.
- Approval of October 13, 2015, April 4, 2016, and February 6, 2017 GMA 9 Meeting Minutes.
- Texas Water Development Board updates, comments, or communications.
- Proposed or filed 2017 legislation which may affect GMA 9 joint groundwater planning or GMA 9 member GCDs.
- Designation of individuals authorized to represent GMA 9 in public hearings, state agency meetings, legislative meetings and testimony, and other public forums or meetings.
- Public Comment.
- Next meeting date, location, and future agenda items.
- Announcements.
- Adjournment.
Further information, questions, or comments concerning any aspect of this meeting should be directed to:(830) 868-9196 office, (830) 708-5020 cell, email to: Mr. Ron Fieseler, GMA 9 Planning Committee Chairman c/o Blanco-Pedernales Groundwater Conservation District 601 West Main, P.O. Box 1516, Johnson City, TX 78636
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