NOTICE is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District will be held on Monday the 12th of March, 2018. The meeting will begin at 6:00 P.M. and will occur in the Third Floor Assembly Room of the Kendall County Courthouse, located at 201 E. San Antonio Avenue, Boerne, Texas, at which time the following will be discussed and appropriate action taken, pursuant to Chapter 36, Water Code; and pursuant to V.T.C.A. Government Code Section 551, Open Meetings, including all subchapters and sections:
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Establishment of a Quorum
- Public comment
- Consent Agenda:
- Approval of minutes from the February 12th, 2018 Meeting
- Payroll, employee benefits, operational expenses and payment of such
- Monthly financial report(s)
- Monthly operations report
- District activities & subcommittee updates:
- Monthly report
- Meteorological update
- Current drought stage
- GMA 9 update
- Management Plan
- Subcommittee updates
- Discussion and action concerning declaring District property as salvage and send to auction
- Correspondence
- Future meeting dates and meeting topics
- Adjournment
Micah Voulgaris
Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District General Manager
Please note:
- The District may take a brief recess during the course of the meeting, depending upon the length of the meeting.
- The Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District is committed to compliance with the Disabilities Act (ADA). Reasonable accommodations and equal opportunity for effective communications will be provided upon request. Please contact the District office at 830-816-2504 at least 24 hours in advance if accommodation is needed.
- Citizens who desire to address the Board on any matter may sign up to do so prior to the meeting. Public comments will be received during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. Please limit comments to 5 minutes.
- At any time during the meeting and in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Annotated, the Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District Board may meet in executive session for consultation concerning attorney- client matters (§551. 071); deliberation regarding real property (§ 551.072); deliberation regarding prospective gift (§551.073); personnel matters (§551.074); and deliberation regarding security devices (§551.076).
Download Agenda as PDF