December 12, 2022 – Minutes


December 12, 2022

The Board of Directors of the Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District (CCGCD) convened the Regular Meeting in the District Board Room located at 9 Toepperwein Road, Boerne, Texas.


Directors Present:

Bob Webster – District 1 (Vice President)

Allan P. Bloxsom III – At Large (Secretary)

Ben Eldredge – District 3 (Asst. Secretary/Treasurer)

Directors Absent:

Milan J. Michalec – District 2 (President)

Curt Campbell – District 4 (Treasurer)


  1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:03 PM.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by staff member Heath Hoffman.
  3. Establishment of a Quorum: A quorum was established with 3 out of 5 directors present.
  4. Public comment: Denise Dever asked about a decorative pond with a non-working windmill on North Esser that always seems to be full, even during Stage 3 Drought Restrictions.  GM Micah Voulgaris stated that due to multiple complaints about the pond, the property owner has given him access to the electrical meter to determine when the pump is being run. He will check to see if the pump has been in use.
  5. Consent Agenda: Motion by Director Eldredge, seconded by Director Bloxsom. Approved 3-0.
    1. Approval of minutes from the November 14, 2022 Workshop
    2. Approval of minutes from the November 14, 2022 Regular Meeting
    3. Payroll, employee benefits, operational expenses, and payment of such
    4. Monthly financial report(s)
    5. Monthly operations report
  6. District activities & subcommittee updates:
    1. Monthly report: GM Voulgaris presented the staff’s monthly report.
    2. Current drought stage: Remaining at Stage 3
    3. Subcommittee updates: N/A
    4. GMA 9: GM Voulgaris reported on the December 9th meeting.
    5. Region L: N/A
    6. District Monitor Well Expansion Project: N/A
    7. Camp Bullis Sentinel Landscape Project: Daniel Oppenheimer will attend the next GMA 9 meeting to discuss the project.
  7. Discussion on possible legislation related to the District’s enabling act in the upcoming 88th Session of the Texas Legislature. Attorney Monique Norman has drafted the changes on the enabling act.
  8. Discussion and action on an Interlocal agreement between the Cow Creek GCD and Kendall County Commissioner’s Court related to funding for new monitor wells and right of way access. Bill Ballard can draft an interlocal agreement for the funding. ARPA funds must be spent before December 2024. Pending the board treasurer and legal counsel approval, the board approved GM Voulgaris to sign an interlocal agreement. Motion by Director Bloxsom, seconded by Director Eldredge. Approved 3-0.
  9. Correspondence: N/A
  10. Future meeting dates and meeting topics: Rule-making Workshop scheduled for January 9th at 3:00 PM. Next Board meeting scheduled for January 9th at 6:00 PM.
  11. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 6:37 PM.



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