August 14, 2023 – Minutes


August 14, 2023

The Board of Directors of the Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District (CCGCD) convened the Regular Meeting in the District Board Room located at 9 Toepperwein Road, Boerne, Texas.


Directors Present:

Milan J. Michalec – District 2 (President)

Bob Webster – District 1 (Vice President)

Curt Campbell – District 4 (Treasurer)

Ben Eldredge – District 3 (Asst. Secretary/Treasurer)

Directors Absent:

Allan P. Bloxsom III – At Large (Secretary)


  1. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 6:01 PM.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Director Michalec.
  3. Establishment of a Quorum: A quorum was established with 4 out of 5 directors present.
  4. Public comment: Peggy Hendrick voiced concern over the Fair Oaks/Tapatio area having issues with water levels. Wanted to encourage the board to continue hydrological studies.  Sarah Ledlow wanted to know what CCGCD is doing to educate the public about the drought stages and stage 4. Wanted to know about the 5 year plan, if water could be piped in from other areas.  Adela Brown wanted to know if the water level had changed drastically around Upper Sisterdale Road and Los Ricos Pobre.
  5. Consent Agenda: Motion to approve item 5. a. by Director Campbell, seconded by  Director Eldredge. Approved 3-0-1.  Motion to approve items 5. b-d. by Director Webster, seconded by Director Campbell.  Approved 4-0.
    1. Approval of minutes from the July 18th, 2023 Regular Meeting
    2. Payroll, employee benefits, operational expenses, and payment of such
    3. Monthly financial report(s)
    4. Monthly operations report
  6. Consideration of a New Well Operating Permit Application. The Applicant JRH Rust Lane LLC is requesting 2.164 acre-feet annually on 6.001 acres located at 38 Rust Lane, Boerne, Texas.  The proposed use is commercial to serve approximately 60,000 Sq. Ft. of office/warehouse or flex space.: Motion to approve by Director Michalec, seconded by Director Eldredge. Approved 3-0-1.
  7. District activities & subcommittee updates:
    1. Monthly report: General Manager Micah Voulgaris presented the staff’s monthly report.
    2. Discussion and action on the current drought stage: Remaining at Stage 4.
    3. Subcommittee updates: Director Eldredge notified the board about the “One Water” program scheduled for October at the Kronkosy Center, with possible funding from Cow Creek GCD, the Cibolo Center and the City of Boerne.  “Ag Day” on September 20th, Cow Creek will be giving demonstrations to educate about water.  Hydro-Geo Workshop at Cave Without a Name on September 29th – 30th.
    4. GMA 9: The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 26th at 10:00 AM.
    5. Region L: Director Campbell gave an update on the latest meeting, which was on August 3rd. There was a legislative overview, discussion on water projections and minor budget amendments.
    6. District Monitor Well Expansion Project:
    7. Camp Bullis Sentinel Landscape Project: Director Eldredge gave an update on possible funding.
  8. Discussion and action on the 2023-2024 District budget.: Motion by Director Campbell to propose the budget and tax rate, seconded by Director Webster. Approved 4-0.
  9. Discussion and action on allocating District funds for modeling efforts in helping establish Desired Future Conditions for the Ellenburger Aquifer.: Motion by Director Eldredge to approve allocation of funds, seconded by Director Campbell. Approved 4-0.
  10. Discussion and action related to Governor Greg Abbott’s proclamation declaring and renewing a state of disaster in a certain number of counties based on the existence of serious drought conditions that pose an imminent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury, or loss of life or property.
  11. Discussion and action pertaining to the ongoing District rulemaking process.: Director Campbell wants to try to incentivize installing rain catchment systems.
  12. Discussion and action related to engaging a new auditor for the District.: The District has a potential auditor.
  13. Correspondence: n/a
  14. Future meeting dates and meeting topics: The next board meeting for the public hearing on the proposed budget and tax rate is scheduled for Monday, September 11th at 6:00 PM.  The next GMA 9 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 26th at 10:00 AM.
  15. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:31 PM.



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