February 12, 2018 – Minutes


February 12, 2018

The Board of Directors of the Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District (CCGCD) convened the Regular Meeting in the Third Floor Assembly Room of the Kendall County Courthouse located at 201 E. San Antonio Avenue, Boerne, Texas.

Directors Present:

Milan Michalec – District 2 (President)

Don Dietzmann – At Large (Vice President)

Bob Webster – District 1 (Secretary)

Curt Campbell – District 4 (Asst. Secretary/Treasurer)

Directors Absent:

R.K. “Bobby” Schwab – District 3 (Treasurer)                     

  1. Call to Order. Director Michalec called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance. Heath Hoffman led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  3. Establishment of a Quorum. A quorum was reached with four directors present. Directors Schwab was not in attendance.
  4. Public comment. No comment was offered.
  5. Consent Agenda: Director Webster made a motion to approve Items 5 A, C, D and E. The motion was seconded by Director Michalec and passed 4-0-0.  Director Campbell made a motion to approve Item 5B.  The motion was seconded by Director Webster and passed 3-0-1 with Director Dietzmann abstaining as he was not in attendance for January 25, 2018 Special Meeting.
    1. Approval of minutes from the January 18th, 2018 Special Meeting
    2. Approval of minutes from the January 25th, 2018 Special Meeting
    3. Payroll, employee benefits, operational expenses and payment of such
    4. Monthly financial report(s)
    5. Monthly operations report
  6. Discussion and action on Operating Permit W4226. The Applicant, Darrel McMaster is requesting 131,400 gallons for emergency back-up and fire protection of a four lot subdivision at 14 Spanish Pass in Boerne.  The subdivisions main source of water will be provided by rainwater catchment. GM Voulgaris provided the Board with an overview of the permit request and received some feedback from Mr. McMaster. Director Campbell made a motion to approve Operating Permit W4226 for 131,400 gallons annually for emergency backup water. The system is to be metered for all inflows and outflows of the storage tank.  The District will waive permit amendment fees for the next 120 days.  Fire protection use will not affect the permitted amount of water and the permittee will document all use. Director Webster seconded the motion and passed 4-0-0.
  7. District activities & subcommittee updates:
    1. Monthly report.  GM Voulgaris provided the staff’s monthly report.
    2. Meteorological update. GM Voulgaris read Dave Knollhoff’s meteorological update.
    3. Current drought stage.  The District will remain in Drought Stage 2.
    4. GMA 9 update. GM Voulgaris attended the GMA 9 meeting in January at which management plans were discussed.
    5. Management Plan.  The District needs to update its Management Plan.
    6. Subcommittee updates. The Operating Permit Subcommittee discussed a back log of operating permits. A rule revision may be needed to take care of the backlog.  The subcommittee discussed how Vulcan Concrete may come in for a permit.
  8. Discussion and action concerning the District’s property at #9 Toepperwein Road. Peter Lewis is working on the bid package.  GM Voulgaris will touch base on the project status.                                  
  9. Correspondence. The District received notification that KWU plans to expand their CCN to include 159 acres off SH 46 West.                                                                                   
  10. Future meeting dates and meeting topics. The next Regular Meeting of the CCGCD Board of Directors will be Monday, March 12, 2018.
  11. Adjournment. Director Campbell made a motion to adjourn at 7:38 P.M. The motion was seconded by Director webster and passed 4-0-0.



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